Mark 4:1 – “Jesus began to teach at the lake side.”
Matthew 4:18 – “While walking by the lake side of Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And He said to them, ‘Follow me’. . . And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother . . . and He called them.”
So, come and join us at LAKESIDE PRESBYTERIAN and together we will listen to Him and respond to His call.

Dear Friend,
Welcome to our website and to one of the most enriching experiences of your life as you engage further into the mission and ministry of the people called Lakeside Presbyterian Church!
We see the church as a “LIFE INITIATING CENTER” where people of all ages may come to be energized, equipped and endowed with skills and strengths to enable them to live life more completely and affirmatively.
Lakeside is also a “SAFE GROWING PLACE” where we can test new waters, reaching out to one another, as we are called by the Lord of Life to transend old self-set limitations to become a new person in Him.
You are invited to come to this “PLACE OF RENEWAL AND REVITALIZATION”– but there’s more!
You are also called to express your commitment to Christ as you join us in moving out beyond the church into the community and world with the adventure of help and hope.
Come unite with us in this exciting process. We have a place for you! Christ has been expecting you.
On behalf of the leadership group that we call the “Church Session” and our “Church Deacons”, I am writing to you in excitement, expectation and love.
In Christ,
Fran Thew, Clerk of Session